How to Clear Your Debts Under the UAE's New Insolvency Law
Insolvency comes about when a person (who is not qualified as a Trader) is no longer able to pay his debts due to debt defaults or bankruptcy. This is often referred to as the “Insolvency of the natural person.”
Under the Insolvency Law, the Debtor needs to attend court. Here, he places a request with the court to be allowed to settle his financial obligations with his creditors amicably and with no litigation proceedings. If the court finds the debtor to be insolvent (which would comply with the new law) the application is legible for approval.
If the Debtor is successful in the above application some documentation will be needed, namely:
At this point, the court can appoint an expert who will oversee the proceedings of the financial obligation settlement. The expert will make sure that all remains within the boundaries of the Law.
If the debtor cannot provide the above documents he has to state reasons why he has not been able to do so. If these reasons are good enough the court may award the Debtor more time to gather more information.
Once enough documents have been submitted the court will take no longer than five working days to make its decision.
The court can refuse to request from the debtor in cases where
The court-appointed expert will work with the debtor to create a feasible payment plan. Copies of the plan will be sent to all of the creditors and finally to the court within 22 working days from the day the expert-created the plan. Extensions to this time can be awarded by the court when deemed necessary.
Within 10 working days of sending the plans to the creditors, the expert will set up meetings between the Debtor and each of these creditors. The time and place for these meetings will be set by experts with the aim being to discuss and agree on acceptable plans.
Once all the creditors have agreed on their respective plans it is still possible for amends to be made if the expert presents these amendments to the court. If the court agrees to all or part of the changes it will notify all creditors of the approved changes.
When the debtor pays all the outstanding payments to his creditors as agreed in the plan the court shall issue a statement signaling the closing of all liquidation procedures. This document will be the names of all the creditors along with the amounts paid. The statement will also be published in two local daily newspapers with one version in English and the other in Arabic.