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Arbitrary Dismissal of Employees in UAE

Arbitrary Dismissal of Employees

If an employer does something which qualifies as a breach of an employment contract, causing an employee to tender resignation, then it is possible for the concerning employee to make a claim for arbitrary dismissal or constructive dismissal with the help of legal consultants. Acceptable reasons for filing a claim include:

  • Removal of essential benefits by employer, which are in the employment contract
  • Failure to provide support in carrying out work duties
  • Failure to provide a healthy and safe working environment to employee
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Claims for Arbitrary Dismissal

Claims for Arbitrary Dismissal

In order for you to make an arbitrary dismissal claim, our lawyers will compile and present sufficient relevant evidence showing the employer committed a breach of the employment contract which resulted to your resignation. Take note: you must provide the requisite duration of service before a claim is filed.

Also, even if you think your case is solid for arbitrary dismissal, it’s important that you seek legal advise before tendering your resignation. Quitting a job is a massive step, and there are less risky ways in resolving problems in the workplace. Without expert advisory, finding a solution and proving arbitrary dismissal can be difficult. Prior taking any action, call our office so we can schedule a consultation to discuss your eligibility for making a claim and the possible compensation for settlement.

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Unfair Dismissal

Unfair Dismissal

An unfair dismissal claim can be filed if you were unfairly dismissed, instead of being forced to resign, for the following reasons:

  • Pregnant or on maternity leave;
  • You took an action over issues regarding workplace health and safety;
  • Disclosure of information related to contraventions in the workplace;
  • Request for rights to be addressed e.g. to receive medical insurance

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