Get Married in Ajman
The UAE, particularly Ajman, a brand-new service known as online marriage. Online marriage in Ajman allows a couple to wed even with the restrictions that are imposed on interaction and movement of the public. This initiative was designed to counter coronavirus.
The local government imposed strict measures in combating the spread of COVID-19 and the deadly respiratory disease it brings about. The Ministry of Justice said residents of the UAE are advised in booking an online wedding conducted via a video link. A religious leader or court appointed marriage officer will still have to review and approve documents that are required to submit.
The requirements will allow a marriage official to confirm a couple’s identity, along with the witnesses. An application has to be submitted to the authorities before a date is set with the authorities. The online marriage in Ajman was launched in order to maintain the public’s health and well-being. Those who work in courts will not be jeopardized from a marriage ceremony and employees’ presence can be limited.
UAE residents, regardless of background, nationality, or religion, can get married in Ajman. It can be either a marriage ceremony with the couple’s religious affiliation or with Ajman Courts. For expatriates who are Muslims, marriage ceremonies can be performed at Ajman Courts or with religious clerks at home when the pandemic, COVID-19, is over. A marriage application and the necessary documentation will have to be submitted to the court. A marriage can only be performed officially if there are two witnesses and the requirements are all submitted. A marriage certificate from Ajman Courts will be issued in a few days from the date of the ceremony.
For non-Muslim expatriates in Ajman, they may get married in a foreign embassy, at home or in a church. Churches in Ajman are allowed in performing marriage ceremonies provided that both parties are Christians. For a marriage that is conducted inside the church, a marriage license still has to be obtained from Ajman Courts. It’s advised for a couple to register their marriage with the concerned consulate(s). Regardless of whether a marriage in Ajman took place in a church, temple, or court, it has to be registered with the concerned authorities, including embassies and Ajman Courts.
Take note: the bride and the groom must have either a valid UAE residency visa or a visit visa. Both parties to a marriage must have a certificate issued by a medical professional, stating eligibility for marriage. The guardian of the bride must also provide approval for a marriage that will take place in Ajman. If the father of the bride is absent, the next of kin who is a male member of the family may be considered as the bride’s guardian. Approval of said person has to be provided. In special cases, the cleric sheikh will have to assume the role of the guardian.
Marriage requirements and formalities can vary as regulations are set with the discretion of authorities. If you want more definite advice that coincides with your specific situation, then it is best to consult with marriage lawyers in the UAE. At HHS Lawyers, our marriage lawyers in UAE will be able to provide you with a full picture of all the requirements and conditions which you have to meet in order to marry in Ajman. Call us today!