The Judicial Expertise is one of the methods which the Judge can follow whenever there is a need for technical evidence. In case of the judge does not have suffusion and enough knowledge in the subject of the dispute he can appoint an expert so that the expert will provide technical opinion on the topic assigned to him by the judge.
The Expert must be regulated by the concerned authority, the expert can be an Accountant, a Banker, an Engineers, a Doctors, an IT Specialist … etc. The parties of the dispute also can agree on nominate a particular expert who must be a specialized in the field of the dispute, if the nominated expert is not regulated the judge must ask him to give the Oath before the court.
In most of the countries in the Middle East the Expert must be regulated by the authority, Since the seventies of the last century, the state of United Arab Emirates was one of the first countries in the region that has paid the subject of Judicial expertise great importance to and has enacted laws and legislations to it, and we’ve had the last of those laws was Federal law No. 7 of 2012 concerning the regulation of the profession of Judicial expertise
Judicial Expert
Regulated Judicial Expert before the UAE
Courts Specialist in Financial Crime Investigation
Certified Fraud Examiner