attestation services in Dubai
Proper attestation of the credentials is very important for the people in Dubai. The degree attestation services are really important in UAE especially in case a person wants to get enrolled in any graduating program in any foreign country. This is the reason why all the educational documents should be attested by using proper means.
When a document gets attested, a stamp is put on it which actually verifies and confirms the degree as an award from a particular institution. Also, because of the attestation, the diploma or the certificate gets authenticated. In UAE, all types of diplomas are required for attestation no matter whether they have been obtained from within the country or from abroad. This is basically due to the increasing number of fake diplomas. Attestation authenticates the existence of the documents as well as diplomas.
One who applies for an employment visa must get all of the documents attested first. The process of attestation may require different private companies to come and play the part. The private sector companies basically aid in the process of attestation. Note that if anyone is seeking a job in the UAE government, it may not be mandatory for the person to attest all the documents.
It is really important to note the fact that the high school completion certificate is not the same as that of the examination certificate. The acceptable certificates include International Baccalaureate, A Levels or National Examination Certificates.
To get the high school certificates attested, the following procedure must be followed;
The first and foremost step that should be carried out is taking the documents or the original diplomas to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The documents should have all the scores obtained by the person and it should be taken to MOFA for obtaining the official stamp by the MOFA attestation services.
Different countries demand a different time duration for the process of attesting the documents. The stamp obtained from MOFA will authenticate the existence of high school and the diploma obtained from that particular high school. In some countries, the Ministry of Education authenticate the educational documents before getting the official stamp.
Take the documents to the UAE Embassy for the stamp in the same country. It may cost the person up to AED 150. This is a confirmation process which confirms the authenticity of the MOFA stamp.
There can be certain exceptions in these particular steps. One of the exceptions is not having the particular embassy of a country in UAE. In that case, the documents can be sent to the UAE embassy in that country. If the other country doesn’t have a UAE Embassy just like that in Mauritius, Jamaica or Moldova, the documents will then be notarized from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country that is accredited to UAE. In this way, the process of attesting the documents will get completed.
This step requires attestation of both high school diploma as well as an NYUAD diploma. This process takes almost 3 weeks to get completed and it may cost AED 450. Note that the price includes both the attestation fee and taxi fare.
In some cases, you may be asked for a letter from NYUAD Registrar which states that you did get graduated. People may want to collect this document from registrar before taking their diploma for the final stamp.
After you are completed with all other steps, you can easily apply for a work visa.
Services of certificate attestation in Dubai can help you with complete attestation process. The attestation services are available for different nationalities.
This long and complicated process may trouble you but not when you can get the services from us. We prevent you from the long and tiring attestation processes while helping you complete it all in very less time. So, get all of your attestation processes completed as soon as you graduate.