labour lawyers in abu dhabi
An employee may be recruited on a fixed-term employment contract for up to three years following Federal Decree-Law No. 33 of 2021 on the Regulation of Labour Relations in the Private Sector or the “UAE Labour Law” (which became effective on February 2 2022). The term may be extended or renewed for a similar or lesser period. Suppose the parties continue to fulfil their responsibilities under the contract after it expires without being renewed or extended. The agreement is deemed renewed under the same terms and circumstances as the original agreement.
Any extension or renewal of the employment contract’s terms will be considered when determining an employee’s end-of-service benefits. The legislation also mandates that unlimited employment contracts must be changed into fixed-term employment contracts following this decree-law within a year of the contract’s effective date and may be extended by the Cabinet for further periods as needed in the public interest. Meanwhile, this decree legislation’s requirements shall also apply to unlimited employment contracts signed in line with Federal Law No. 8 of 1980.
Federal Decree-Law No. 33 of 2021, often known as the “New Labour Law,” became effective in the UAE on February 2, 2022, replacing Federal Law No. 8 of 1980, which governed employee relations in the private sector.
Consequently, employers operating in the UAE are now required under the new Law to take the appropriate actions to guarantee compliance with the new or updated regulations. The new Law’s enactment intends to address the demands and difficulties of the labour market, which has considerably changed over the last several years. The new Law also demonstrates the UAE government’s commitment to implementing a legislative and regulatory framework compliant with international standards.
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According to the New Labour Law, employment contracts with unlimited terms are no longer acceptable, while limited-term agreements are now restricted to three years. Employers must convert their current unlimited contractual agreements to restricted ones within a year of the Law’s enactment. Additionally, companies can choose not to renew the employee’s contract without incurring extra end-of-service fees.
Limited employment contracts provide several benefits, like enabling employers to evaluate workers’ contributions and value to the organization before joining a contractual contract or employing subject matter experts for a particular job. The new Law, however, is anticipated to aid in improving employee retention by forcing companies to provide extra incentives, such as bonuses and benefits and a better work environment, to entice eligible candidates.
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As per Article 43 of the New Labour Law, fixed-term contracts may be terminated early for a “legitimate reason” as long as the required notice period—which must be in writing and at least 30 days but may not exceed 90 days—is given. Since the word “legitimate reason” is not defined, it is unclear how the Labour Courts would determine what grounds for dismissal are acceptable.
Further, it states that the party terminating the contract must provide the other party remuneration equivalent to the amount of the employee’s wage for the notice period if the employee refuses to serve the notice period or the employer does not want them to (or remaining part thereof). An employee is entitled to one day of unpaid leave every week after the employer cancels the contract to look for other employment.
Labour and employment are one of the main aspects of the country. It is also where some issues in the UAE arise from. HHS Lawyers & Legal Consultants in Dubai can assist you with any problems you may have with your employee or employer. Our experience and quality service can ensure that. We can provide you with the information you need to understand your situation more. In addition, we will surround you with the people that you need.
Please discuss with us the legal matters you need to consult by booking a free consultation with one of our lawyers in Dubai.