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Trade Secret Litigation Services

Trade secrets are confidential information protected by intellectual property (IP) rights and is available for sale or licensing.
In general, information must contain the following elements to qualify as a trade secret:

  1. The trade secret must contain some information
  2. It must have some economic value derived from the fact that it is unknown to others and so cannot be used
  3. Reasonable efforts have been taken by the owner to keep the information secret, such as using confidentiality agreements with business partners and workers.

Unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of such secret information in a contradictory manner to fair business practices is considered an unfair practice and a violation of trade secret protection.

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Trade Secret Litigation

Acts amount to Misappropriation of Trade Secret or Trade Secret Litigation

The following actions constitute misappropriation of a trade secret and are expressly prohibited by law:

  1. the acquisition of a Trade Secret through Improper Means;
  2. the disclosure or use of a Trade Secret by a person who obtained knowledge of the Trade Secret through Improper Means;
  3. the acquisition, disclosure, or use of a Trade Secret by a person who knows, or should know, at the appropriate time that the knowledge of the Trade Secret was:

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Trade Secret

Enforcement of Trade Secret Litigation

  1. Consult an IP attorney An IP Attorney or an IP law firm that may advise you on your legal choices and assist you in determining when, how, and what legal action to take against infringers, as well as how to resolve any such issue via litigation or other means. Ascertain that any such choice aligns with your business’s broader strategy and goals.
  2. File Civil Proceedings: Where a Trade Secret owner chooses to bring legal action against the infringer, the courts usually offer various remedies to compensate aggrieved patent owners. The Court may award the following remedies in case of Copyright Infringement:
    1. Damages,
    2. injunctions,
    3. Order to surrender infringing products to right holders.
    4. The infringer may be required to disclose the identities of other parties engaged in the creation and dissemination of the infringing content, as well as their distribution methods.
    5. The Court may order the destruction of infringing products without compensation upon request.

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 trade secret cases

Why choose HHS Lawyers and Legal Consultant

HHS Lawyers & Legal Consultants consist of specialized IP professionals who can assist you in filing Trade Secret Litigation. Apart from this, HHS Lawyers and Legal Consultants also provide you with services relating to Trade Secret Litigation enforcement, such as:

  1. To perform periodic inspections as part of its vigilance against Trade Secret infringement,
  2. To seize and destroy all counterfeited copies with the help of the police force and
  3. To assist the client in filing a Trade Secret infringement complaint against the infringer.

If you need any legal assistance with your legal issues, please do not hesitate to contact us.