Rights and Limitations
Power of attorney means giving someone else the power to make legal, financial, or medical decisions when you are unbaled to do a task you designate another person to handle the tasks on your behalf. But there are certain precautions that you need to take while signing the POA agreement to ensure that your interest is fully protected.
The rights of an appointed agent can be broad and narrow, depending on how the POA document is written. The rights of an agent depend upon the type of power of attorney a person chooses to create depends on the situation and the type of decisions permitted under the legal document. Some of the examples of kinds of rights given.
In case if the POA is appointed as health care agent
The right of this POA includes handing your estate and finances, but they usually aren’t specified in the document and thus may encompass other areas like health.
Examples include completing real estate transactions,
This type may designate the agent to handle specific tasks for a limited time or purpose.
In case if the principle is out of the country and need someone to handle the sale of your property back home, a limited POA could manage the real estate, real estate agent may work with complete the home sale process.
A generic POA document that does not contain any limitation typically gives an agent broad power over medical or financial decisions. One of the fundamental rules governing an agent power is that they are expected to act in their principles best interest.
An agent cannot:
More than one person can act as your agent and ask that they work together. If you want to know more about your power of attorney in Dubai, contact HHS Lawyers we are here to assist you in the best possible ways. Our solutions are delivered by experienced lawyers who can address your needs irrespective of whether you are an individual or an organization. Contact us today for further consultation
Transfer of legal right to deal with buying or selling the property for another person can be performed by granting power of attorney to specific individuals or corporations.
A power of attorney for personal care is a written document in which you give someone the power to make decisions about your personal care should become unable to make these decisions yourself.
A power of attorney is a document that gives one person the legal authority to act on behalf of another person and make decisions when the principle is unable to do so.