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Engineering Certificate Attestation for UAE

Engineering certificate attestation involves the degree certificate for engineering being evaluated by all concerned persons, departments, or authorities, then the addition of their signatures or seals. Attestation for an engineering certificate or degree may be done starting from the UAE or the issuing country of the degree.

Take note: engineering certificate attestation for UAE has to be performed prior to submitting the degree to authorities, regardless of purpose. Most major engineering universities attest the certificates of their engineering students. If the engineering certificate is to be submitted for better or higher education or better job employment, then the degree holder is to undergo attestation for the educational document.

Should you need engineering certificate attestation for UAE, the attestation experts in HHS Lawyers can assist you in the completion of the process.

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How Our Experts Perform the Attestation

Below is the process that is implemented by our attestation experts for engineering certificate attestation for UAE:

Notary attestation

Notary attestation is the first of the many steps for engineering degree attestation. Our experts take the certificate and present it to a local notary. The public notary will sign and stamp the document which verify the identity of the certificate holder.

HRD attestation

After notary attestation, the state home department then gets the document for verification. Our experts will deliver the document to them so the state government checks the authenticity of the certificate.

Department of external affairs attestation

The Department of External affairs then has to certify the material. Our experts will help ensure the stamp of the authoritative body is added onto the document. This is often where those who undergo the process without the help of experts find themselves lost as to what to do, most especially when the ministry has a huge back log for attestation. Trust the experts in HHS Lawyers to help you complete department of external affairs attestation as swiftly as possible.

Embassy attestation

After the aforementioned departments have supplied their stamps and signatures, the engineering certificate is then brought to the embassy of the UAE in the degree’s issuing country for attestation. Embassy attestation takes place right after the department of external affairs has provided verification.

MOFA attestation

The last step for engineering certificate attestation for UAE is MOFA attestation. The Ministry or department affairs will verify the genuineness of the document presented to them by our experts.

MOFA Attestation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) will further verify your document. MOFA attestation is not mandatory and can be done as per the requirements.

Requirements for Engineering Certificate Attestation

The following are to be furnished to our experts to complete the process of engineering certificate attestation for UAE:

  • Original degree certificate
  • Copy of passport of degree holder
  • Two passport sized photographs
  • Original mark sheet (for all years)
  • Authorization letter
  • Bonafide certificate from university or college

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