Getting married in Dubai has its own set of processes. A dream wedding can be planned depending upon the nationality, citizenship and residency status in Dubai which can range from the straight forward and simple to time-consuming in all cases, specific conditions must be followed and documents have to be attested and approved by several parties.
A common situation is for Egyptian men to marry Filipino women wherein the Christian has to convert to Islam first. Two individuals can get married at a Dubai Court if at least one of them is Muslim and both are residents of the UAE. The rule clearly states that the man should be a Muslim, while the woman can be of any religion in order to marry in Sharia court.
Requirements to get Married in Dubai
In order for a marriage to take place, a couple has to fulfill the below-mentioned requirements.
Valid permit to stay within the country
Anyone of the parties to the marriage should have valid permission to stay within the country. There is a need to furnish national ID and passport for proof of identity and visa status.
Premedical check-up
Parties initiating the process of getting married in UAE should undergo a medical screening that can present their health status. The medical certificate issued will mention that the parties wanting to get married are medically fit to initiate marriage.
Copy of divorce paper if applicable
Divorcees should submit official certificate/divorce judgment. In the case of widows and widowers, they have to submit the death certificate of their deceased spouse. All certificates not issued in the UAE should be legally translated into Arabic and ratified by relevant authorities in UAE.
Obtain No objection letter(NOC)
If a Filipino is marrying an Egyptian national, there is a need to make sure that he/she should contacts his/her own councilmate or embassy. They should obtain an NOC letter as a requirement.
The presence of both parties involved
The presence of parties to the marriage is required, plus the guardian of the women and two Muslim men as a witness.
In cases where the bride’s father is deceased, a declaration of death and consent from any other male guardian of the bride is required. In cases where there are no guardians to offer consent, a special power of attorney proving this will have to be produced. All the legal aspects regarding the requirement of witnesses for initiating court marriage can be explained by experienced marriage lawyers in Dubai.
Certificate of Embracing Islam
The law permits a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman, only if the woman submits a conversion to Islam certificate.
Certificate of embracing Islam should be submitted by newly converted female Muslims and other certificates from any Islamic center approved by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments.
The conversion certificates not issued in the UAE should be legally translated into Arabic. Any other certificates issued from a country outside the UAE should be legally translated and ratified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country, UAE Embassy of the home country, UAE Ministry of Justice and UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
You may want to now- What are the Requirements for Foreigners get Married in Dubai?
Conditions to Get Married for an Egyptian and Filipino
There are several conditions and requirements to get married in Dubai, and it is important to respect the applicable laws in this city and in the UAE. Foreigners wanting to marry in Dubai should pay attention to all the requirements in this matter, among which, the following are quite important:
- The marriage of two persons of the same gender is prohibited in the UAE.
- A marriage needs to be legally registered in order to be considered.
- In the case of persons under 18 years of age, and approval from the chief justice of the Personal Status Court is needed.
- The marriage certificate will be in English if the marriage ceremony was performed in the same language. The marriage certificate has to be translated into Arabic for it to be recognized in UAE. This can be done by an official translator and the document can be certified by the Notary Public at Dubai Courts.
- The marriage certificate needs attestation starting with the Ministry of Justice, which will then be authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After this, the couple then needs to get the marriage certificate attested from their respective embassies.
Court Marriage Lawyers in UAE
For marriage between an Egyptian and Filipinos, contact a respective lawyer to find out about the best procedure. HHS lawyers provide you a detailed and comprehensive assessment of court marriage for an Egyptian and Filipino couple. Book your free initial consultation today for more information on court marriage in Dubai for Egyptians and Filipinos